Thursday, June 20, 2013

Daughter Of Sweeney Todd And Mrs.Lovett

Hi! So Its been Decided, I'm Bringing .... (Drum roll please!) .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Just Because Only Dollygirl Commented and answered who and she said Katie!

A couple days Ago
As some of you Might not know about me I LOVE Broadway shows. My Favorites Are Little Women , Wicked , Mama Mia, And right know, Sweeney Todd. The Story is REALLY creepy but the music is great!

So a couple of days ago my sister told me about it ,then of course , I listened to the songs, And became like, How do I put this.... Obsessed. So the next day I made up this fictional character For Monster High The daughter of Sweeney Todd and Mrs.Lovett

*Spoiler Alert*
I Know. They wouldn't Have a kid Because in the end he kills her. But Really , Who Cares , Its not Like Dr. Jeykll turn into Mr.Hyde Because of music either.

Here She is!

Her name Is Paige Ivory Todd
(get it Her Initials are P.I , Like Pie ....Yea It was a better Idea when I first thought of it.......................)

Well Thats It

What Do you think of her?
